female FUTURE
To globally facititate and accelerate female leadership in order to transform the world and to realize extraordinary organizational results
female FUTURE
To globally facititate and accelerate female leadership in order to transform the world and to realize extraordinary organizational results
female leadership
The problem for organisations on transforming themselves to meet the challenges of the twenty first century is that the relational practices, the feminine, disappears and with that the potential of transforming and change with new ideas. Ideas presented by women in meetings are not taken seriously until someone else repeats them.
WHY MEN SHOULD engageIN ACCELERATINGfemale leadership
The problem for organisations on transforming themselves to meet the challenges of the twenty first century is that the relational practices, the feminine, disappears and with that the potential of transforming and change with new ideas. Ideas presented by women in meetings are not taken seriously until someone else repeats them.
THE female leadership
Better business. Better world.
This program deserves special attention as it obligates both, women and men, and the management. This program is a very effective mixture of workshops, networking and mentoring. Special workshops for senior management as well as joint events with the female talents raise awareness for the benefits of mixed management teams, change the corporate culture and provide the key implementation processes.
THE female leadershipPROGRAM
Better business. Better world.
This program deserves special attention as it obligates both, women and men, and the management. This program is a very effective mixture of workshops, networking and mentoring. Special workshops for senior management as well as joint events with the female talents raise awareness for the benefits of mixed management teams, change the corporate culture and provide the key implementation processes.
how not
to lose yourself
Many female coachees come to me because they have great challenges to deal with in their corporate culture. They have serious problems how to communicate in a very competitive, masculine and status driven culture based on achievement and success, success being defined to be the winner.
INDIVIDUAL COACHING: how not to lose yourself
Many female coachees come to me because they have great challenges to deal with in their corporate culture. They have serious problems how to communicate in a very competitive, masculine and status driven culture based on achievement and success, success being defined to be the winner.