THE FEMALE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM better business better world
The leadership program “Female Future” is designed to develop and educate future female candidates for executive and board positions.

THE FEMALE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM better businessbetter world
The leadership program “Female Future” is designed to develop and educate future female candidates for executive and board positions.
This program deserves special attention as it obligates both, women and men, and the management. This program is a very effective mixture of workshops, networking and mentoring. Special workshops for senior management as well as joint events with the female talents raise awareness for the benefits of mixed management teams, change the corporate culture and provide the key implementation processes.
Management of the 3rd Millennium requires leadership and ability of strong communication skills, the ability to see the broader picture, needs understanding of others and the ability to empathize, needs focus on the team rather than on power games.From research done in this field we know that – if this is done the right way – it leads to a number of both business and societal benefits:
- The company is more successful and effective, because it increases efficiency and applies a better utilization of the individual and the integral potential.
- More women in the top management means more diversity. More diversity leads to more innovation and to a better basis for taking better and more sustainable decisions.
- The career culture is less defined by power games and individual drives but becomes a managed and healthy part of the corporate culture.
- The program contributes to the Employer Branding and creates the future influx of new, competent staff, attracting the best talents, both women and men. What we see from demographics, is that there will be a huge lack of people to fill the vacant positions created in the near future. The greatest challenge for HR departments these days is to meet this challenge and compete for the best talents which are women.
- to involve the top management in the role of the sponsor, which is crucial for the implementations and the long-term effects
- to strategically implement a gender policy defining how and why it’s done and also its goals
- to identify, consciously create and utilize career codes for both, women and men
- to base gender projects on factual and relevant challenges for the company for a mutual benefit
- to align all activities in the program with the strategic goals and ethical standards of the organization
- to review frame conditions for appropriate adjustments to the needs of both genders
- to support the alikeness of women and men as well as their differences
- to enhance interaction between women and men
- to create a broad commitment and gender-overall team spirit
Strategic consideration and conclusion
A politically set quota would provide the necessary external pressure and improve widely the career opportunities for women. But a quota by law might not be the preferred choice from a business perspective. Quotas help to attract women, but cannot manage to retain them. Previous approaches, which focused only on support through child care programs and training of women fall short. It is about understanding, not about obligation.
Companies that have a genuine interest in women in leadership go beyond this. They take account of the life stages and the individual strengths of women and men and promote a respectful cooperation in mixed management teams. And the example of Norway shows that an appropriate handling can produce very good results.
We co create, design and conduct a leadership program to achieve extraordinary organizational results on all accounts.
This is how we collectively design and conduct the BetterWorldBetterBusiness Female Leadership Program:
- Find typical career codes for the client that has created successful leaders by interviewing 10-15 of the best LEADERS
- Goal is to promote people into leadership positions before they are ready and “learn to lead” people and how to get things done creating results through others
- Educate and expose the future leaders: Shadow coaching: follow the coachee for at least one day 4 times a year and coach on what we see meeting all stakeholders. And hence get the leader-ship experience being thrown into the cold water.
- Getting lots of internal and external exposure learning the lessons and getting feedback from others.
- Ongoing coaching for 2 years as much as they want with our principles.) See individual coaching program)
- Coaching principles of Evolutionary Transformational coaching
- Mentoring
- Image building
- Assessments: find the best ones. (PVA by Barrett and SBL by Gallup)
- That our program is 100% supported by the CEO
- How to be really good at networking
- Create the best feedback culture
- Continuous Evaluation
- Customer collaboration. Quadrant Model from Wilber
- Unconscious Bias, Blind Spots, Dunning-Kruger
- And you can drop the assessment centre
- Power of we
- Leadership is first and foremost a relation that has to be developed
- Leadership is a choice. Leaders are not special human beings; they are ordinary people with a special respons-ability.
- Organisations run by these principles experiencing clear improvement in earnings, less absence, more satisfied customers and fewer internal conflicts
- We shall pay full attention to strengthening the binding interaction and the social contract between managers and employees as a competitive advantage
- This creates fellowship characterized by trust, equality and dignity.
- Develop together –not separately
- Employee – ship to access the tremendous power of human consciousness available to our organisations
- Personal Mastery
- Personal mastery used to describe a person’s ability to maintain their internal stability at the ego level of existence. Someone who has achieved personal mastery is able to successfully manage their deficiency needs, and has thereby learned how to become viable and independent in the sense that they are self-sufficient, and are not beholden or dependent on others for their survival, relationship and self-esteem needs.
- The learning is how to differentiate between the unmet ego needs and the desires and values of the soul.
- Only when this is internalized and implemented you can call yourself a leader.